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libpusb Simple and portable USB development interface
libqd Double-double and quad-double package for Fortran and C++
libquantum Quantum computing simulation library
libraw1394 Functions for converting raw1394 protocol packets
libre Portable library for real-time communications with async IO support
librecad Free Open Source personal CAD application
librem Portable library for real-time audio and video processing
libreoffice-git Office productivity suite from The Document Foundation
libreswan-4 Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec
libreswan-5 Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec
libreswan-git Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec
libretro-4do Libretro core for 3DO emulation
libretro-beetle-lynx Libretro core based on the Mednafen Atari Lynx emulator
libretro-citra Libretro core based on the Citra Nintendo 3DS emulator
libretro-fmsx Libretro core for emulation of the MSX family of home computers
libretro-mame2003 Libretro core based on the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (v0.78)
libretro-mame2014 Libretro core based on the MAME 0.159 arcade game emulator
libretro-melonds Libretro core based on the melonDS emulator
libretro-prboom Libretro core for Doom
libretro-px68k Libretro core based on the PX68K SHARP X68000 emulator
libretro-tyrquake Libretro core for the TyrQuake interpreter for Quake and Quakeworld
libretro-yabause Libretro core based on the Yabause Sega Saturn emulator
librocket The HTML/CSS user interface library
libs-gui GNUstep AppKit Implementation
libSavitar C++ implementation of 3mf loading with SIP python bindings
libscscp Library of the Symbolic Computation Software Composibility Protocol
libsearpc Simple RPC framework based on GObject system
libseccomp Interface to the Linux syscall filtering mechanism
libslab Slab memory allocator in application layer
libsml Smart Message Language (SML) protocol
libsocialweb Personal social data server
libspt Provide unpriviliged secure pty
libsquish Open source DXT compression library
libstacktrace Stacktracing library similar to glibc backtrace(3)
libstrophe Simple, lightweight C library for writing XMPP clients
libsysinfo GNU libc's sysinfo port for \NetBSD
libtextcat Libtextcat library the Cavnar & Trenkle
libtheorafile Ogg Theora video decoder library
libtirpc Port of SUNs Transport-Independent RPC library
libtlen2 Library to access IM system
libtls-bearssl Implementation of libtls on top of BearSSL
libtogl Tk OpenGL widget
libtxc_dxtn S3 texture compression support for MesaLib
libucl Universal configuration library parser
libuna Library to support Unicode and ASCII (byte string) conversions
libunwind LLVM libunwind
liburing Library for the Linux kernel io_uring interface
libusbmuxd Communication interface library for usbmuxd
libusbsio Library to communicate with serial I/O devices on supported NXP boards
libvc VCard library
libvg High-level ptrace library
libvidstab Video stabilization library
libvips Demand-driven, horizontally threaded image processing lib
libvirt Virtualisation toolkit for host operating systems
libvirt-glib GLib-friendly libvirt wrapper
libvpx-git On2 VP8 library from Google
libwacom TODO: Short description of the package
libwbxml2-patched Library to handle WBXML (Patched for MultiSync)
libxc Libxc is the ETSF library of exchange-correlation functionals
libxdiff Library for creating patches for binary and text files
libxml++3 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
libxo Library for generating text, XML, JSON, and HTML output
libxtend Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
libyuv-git project that includes YUV scaling and conversion functionality
libzahl Library for arbitrary size integers, bigint
libzippp Libzip c++ wrapper
libzn-poly Libzn_poly is a C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x]
libzrtp ZRTP Secure VoIP Protocol
lidia C++ Library For Computational Number Theory
lie Computer algebra package for Lie group computations
lief Library to Instrument Executable Formats
light-desktop Fast and lightweight desktop
lightdm Light cross-desktop display manager
lightdm-gtk-greeter GTK+ greeter for LightDM
lilypond-git GNU Music Typesetter
lilyterm Terminal emulator based off of libvte
lima Linux virtual machines for running containerd
linbox LinBox: exact computational linear algebra
lingoteach-lesson Lesson files for lingoteach
lingoteach-ui Language teaching program
links1 Text browser with tables (original version)
linux-attr The extended attribute package for acl
linux-ch Ch is an interactive C development environment
linux-chprofessional Ch is an interactive C development environment
linux-hotplug Hardware autoconfiguration for Linux
linux-kbd Keyboard and console utilities for Linux
linux-kernel The Linux kernel
linux-kernel-headers Linux kernel headers
linux-makedev Script to make and update Linux /dev device nodes
linux-module-init-tools Linux kernel module utilities (kernel 2.5.48 and above)
linux-modutils Linux kernel module utilities
linux-modutils-old Linux kernel module utilities, .old versions
linux-nfs-utils Linux NFS client and server utilities
linux-ukbgene Tool for accessing UK Biobank data
linux24-kernel The Linux kernel
linux24-kernel-headers Linux kernel headers
linuxdcpp DC++-based p2p filesharing application
linuxtv-dvb-apps DVB applications from LinuxTV project
lire Log analyzing tool
lisp-scripts Useful (admin) scripts programmed in Common Lisp
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